Did you know that approximately 1.3 million women in the U.S. enter menopause each year?

And yet, so many women feel alone in their journey.

Imagine having access to expert advice, a community of women who get what you’re going through, and practical tools designed to help you feel your absolute best...and in charge. Naturally.

Our Menopause Solutions is here to educate & empower you to take control of the impact menopause has on your body.

You owe it to yourself.

Registration Closed - Get Notified For Next Time!

Menopause Solutions Course focuses on gaining control over unpredictable symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain,
through a natural and sustainable approach...

Eat Well, Balance Your Hormones

You know what’s incredible? Food.

Specifically, how you can use delicious, real food to help balance your hormones and alleviate menopause symptoms.

This course centers around the essential role nutrition plays in managing menopause.

We want you to prioritize eating lots of yummy, nutritious food that helps balance you out.

Comprehensive Resources

Seriously, this program has it all!

You’ll get our life-changing Menopause Solutions course, plus weekly live Zoom Q&A sessions with an expert who’s been there, done that. She’ll answer your burning questions and share tips tailored to your needs.

You’ll also be part of a special, private online community where you can connect with other women 24/7 during the six-week course. Share your questions, obstacles, and victories—we’re in this together!

And let’s not forget our HUGE resource: The Menopause Survival Guide (printable PDF). It’s your new best friend!

For All Stages Of Menopause

  • Perimenopause

We help you understand your body and provide tools to manage it, making the experience easier and less overwhelming.

This support is life-changing from the start.

You'll thank yourself later for starting on your menopause journey right away!

  • Menopause

For those deep in the thick of it, this course is a lifesaver.

We help you navigate intense symptoms and changes with practical solutions and support.

The community is amazing—you’ll connect with women who truly understand.

  • Post menopause

If you’re past the main transition but still dealing with lingering effects, this course has you covered.

Even after the worst symptoms subside, caring for your post-menopausal body is crucial.

Natural Symptom Relief

  • Hot Flashes
  • Mood Swings
  • Weight Gain
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Night Sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Bone Density Loss
  • Digestive Issues
  • Hair Loss
  • Decreased Libido
  • Anxiety and Depression

See one of your symptoms listed?

Or maybe the one you dread the most?

We've got you covered.

Hundreds of women have gone through this class and found relief—chances are, your symptom has been covered and managed successfully!

Holistic, Whole Body Support

We’re all about taking a holistic approach because menopause has a knack for touching nearly every part of your body.

It’s not just about quieting those noisy symptoms—it's about getting to the root of the problem.

We dive into hormone imbalances like estrogen, progesterone, insulin, and cortisol, and show you how balanced eating can be a total game-changer.

Plus, we’ll chat about how estrogen and weight gain are BFFs and give you some practical tips to keep that healthy weight in check.

Encouragement & Support

You get to join a private online group that includes experts for personalized advice.

It’s great for motivation, encouragement, and keeping you feeling "normal" when your body goes a little haywire.

Menopause shouldn't be a solo journey.

It touches everyone around you, so why navigate it alone?

Ready to Feel Like You Again?

Click the button below and make menopause just a small part of your big life.
But don't wait! Classes start September 9th!

Meet Your Guru's On The Journey...

Kara Carper LN, MA, CNS

For six weeks, you’ll have live Q&A sessions with Kara on Zoom.

She’s been through it and totally gets it.

Imagine having your questions answered in a cozy, no-judgment zone where every concern is valid.

Kara will dish out tips and resources that are practical, comforting, and sometimes downright fun.

She makes this journey a lot less lonely and a lot more manageable.

"I've seen lives and bodies transformed after changing a person's nutrition, and it's truly amazing!"

Melanie Beasley RD, LD

Having battled more health issues in a short time span than most people face in their whole life Melanie knows the true power of real food.

As a nutritionist she finds true joy from sharing that knowledge with others.

"After more than 30 years in the field, my passion for nutrition continues. To see a client find relief from pain and exhaustion is joy."

Not sure if you're in menopause?

If you're here, take the course!

What happens during menopause shouldn't be a surprise or dreaded event.

You're smart, prepared, and absolutely right—this course is for you! In fact, it’s for all women (heck, men too!), no matter the age.

The Best Menopause Education Looks Like This:

Menopause education has more education programs then ever (thank goodness!),
but here’s why ours is the best choice...


Our certified nutrition educators, dietitians, and nutritionists are total pros with decades of experience under their belts—and when it comes to menopause, they’re not just talking the talk, they’re walking the walk!

They’ve poured their hearts and smarts into creating a course that’s comprehensive, practical, and super user-friendly.

You’re in expert hands here.

Expert. Practical. Helpful.


Our program is the real deal.

We’ve been at this for decades, helping hundreds of women navigate the ups and downs of menopause.

We’ve been talking about and teaching menopause long before it was trendy, and our experience shows.

When it comes to guiding you through this journey, we’ve got the expertise and the results to back it up.


At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we’ve built an amazing reputation that we’ve worked hard to earn.

We’re known for our real-food nutrition approach and holistic health focus, and it’s this commitment that have won us the trust and loyalty of our wonderful clients and peers.

We’re all about the power of nutrition to heal and support your body—especially during menopause!


Sure, there are lots of treatment options out there for hormone balance, but here’s the thing—sometimes the most powerful changes come from the simplest lifestyle tweaks.

It’s pretty wild how much a few fundamentals can do for your body’s hormone metabolism.

We’re all about keeping it natural, and we firmly believe that the best place to start your menopause journey is with nutrition.

It’s the foundation that makes all the difference!

A total value of $345!

Get all this for over 40% off - limited time!

Ready to experience natural relief  from your symptoms, and feel in charge of your body?

Want to feel like yourself again, but even healthier and happier?

$199 - limited time!

Here's What You Get

This program is packed with practical help. From comprehensive classes to a supportive community, it’s everything you need to navigate menopause. Hundreds have trusted it for decades, and it’s proven to work!


Six weeks of Live Q & A's & pre-recorded classes

  • Each week, for the six weeks, you’ll have live Zoom Q&A sessions with Kara Carper MA, LN, CNS.
  • Flexibility and convenience to fit the classes into your schedule.
  • Easy to watch whenever, wherever on desktop or mobile device.


79-page Menopause Survival Guide E-book

  • Real-food recipes that are tasty & easy to make.
  • Supplement education and guidance.
  • In-depth continued education on hormones, brain health, bone health and more.
  • Symptom tracker and relief tips.


In-depth education on every phase of menopause

  • Comprehensive understanding of the science and biology of Menopause and your hormones.
  • Solutions to the symptoms you are experiencing now (or will),


Access to the series for one full year

  • Access to the Menopause Solutions series for one full year to revisit videos as often as needed.
  • Emails sharing additional resources to support you on your journey throughout the year.


A supportive community of educators and class participants

  • Full access to a private online community (for class participants only).
  • A safe place to ask questions and get advice from Registered and Licensed dietitians.
  • A group of other class participants that really, truly "get it".

A total value of $345!

Get all this for over 40% off - limited time!

Class materials drop September 9th , and we don't want to start without you.
Don't miss this chance to transform your menopause journey with us!

$199 - limited time!

A Word From The Founder

At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we agree with Margaret Meade, the famous anthropologist who said, “The most creative force in the world is the menopausal woman with zest.” Nutrition is your best resource for experiencing zest at this time of life.

Darlene Kvist MS, LN, CNS
Founder, Nutritional Weight & Wellness

Learn More About Nutritional Weight & Wellness

A sneak peek of the first class...


We've got A's for your Q's

When do classes start?

You'll get access to your online course on Sept 9th, choose to watch it all in one go or pace yourself over the 6 week live Q & A schedule.

The first live Q & A will be the week of Sept 9th.

More information about access to your course & the live Q & A's will hit your inbox after purchase.

How long do I have access?

You have 365 days to watch, and rewatch, the six, one-hour course videos.   

What happens if I need to miss a live Q & A?

We know that life gets busy and things get in the way of keeping the schedule you planned.

If you are unable to make one of the weekly Q & A's, not a problem.

We will post a link to the event recording in the community and within your course... so you won't miss out or fall behind.  

Who teaches and leads the weekly Q & A's?

Kara Carper LN, MA, CNS will be hosting 6 live Q&As on zoom for program participants!

Over the course of six weeks, she will go live on zoom to answer your questions and share tips to help you navigate shifting hormones.

I'm having issues accessing my class.

If you run into any issues accessing your online account and class, we encourage you to contact us at 651-699-3438 or email us at

What is nutrition counseling?

Take advantage of the counseling discount that comes with Online Menopause Solutions.  An initial nutrition counseling appointment provides a customized plan to address your unique symptoms, health concerns and goals. Here’s an overview of nutrition counseling:

Prior to Your Consultation:
You will complete a health history and nutrition questionnaire, so your nutritionist has a thorough understanding of your health challenges and goals.

During your initial consultation:

  • You and your nutritionist will go over your health history questionnaire to set goals based on what’s most important to you.
  • You will have plenty of time to ask questions and discuss your health goals and concerns.
  • You will learn how foods affect your health, symptoms, and well-being and why certain foods are important to include in your diet.
  • You will receive a realistic, personalized eating plan, along with recipes and suggestions for meals, snacks and beverages.
  • Your nutritionist will work with you to find practical ways to implement our real-food approach to eating.

The appointment time flies by (really), and you will leave feeling like no stone was left unturned, and knowing you finally have the advocate and resources you’ve been looking for.

A total value of $345!

Get all this for over 40% off - limited time!

We know $199 might seem like a lot,
but menopause is a huge deal and affects you for the rest of your life.
Investing in your health now will pay off in countless ways.
It's absolutely worth it!

$199 - limited time!